Exciting Announcement: New Designs Now Available!

In case you missed the news, my husband and I (aka #LeapFrogs - read about our journey on my personal blog: www.TracyRuckman.com) are on a year-long+ road trip all around the USA! We took the leap on January 8 and have been tent camping and car camping our way, town by town, state by state. As we've tried to settle into a travel routine (I'm convinced there's no such thing), my designing time has been limited.

But today, I'm excited to announce that several of my pattern designs are now available on Spoonflower. You can purchase the designs as fabric, wallpaper, or gift wrap. If you purchase any of my designs as fabric or wallpaper, be sure to take pictures and send them to me - I'd love to feature you and your project here to inspire others!

This is my mom's favorite pattern:

This is one of my most popular patterns so far:

After all the time we've spent in Texas, this one now looks like it would work for a Christmas theme or a western theme.

These are screenshots (to protect my designs from pirates), but you can see the clarity and detail at the Spoonflower links. I have fabric samples of them all, and am highly pleased with the print quality.

Check out all my other patterns on my Spoonflower store. I'll be adding more designs, so check back regularly. And don't forget to send in photos! I'd love to feature you!

UPDATE: My designs are now also available on Roostery (curtains, bed linens, table linens, and more).

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